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Frequently asked questions

What do I need?

Please bring your Bible if you have one. If not we'll provide one. We'll have pens, and study books to help guide us in our studies. All the written and taught content will center around the Bible. We'll also have writing paper if you want to write anything down or take notes. This is optional and is up to you. We study in the Tampa Bay and surrounding nearby areas (of Florida, US). We meet up in coffee shops and fast food restaurants. 


What’s the goal?

We want to help you learn more about the Bible. Spiritual growth and personal intimacy with God is part of the reason we do these studies. We also want to help people with any questions or struggles they want to study on as well. We will cover Christian evidences, (showing proof of God) for interested parties. 

How do the studies work?

We will open our Bibles and have lesson study aids to help direct the discussion. Questions and comments are encouraged. At the beginning and end of the class, we will have a prayer. The opening pray will have student's prayer requests.

Does it cost anything?

The classes are free. Our Bibles and lesson materials won't cost anything.

We ask for no funds or donations. 


How old do I have to be?

We can study with people of all ages. Anyone is welcome. College students and senior citizens alike. If parents want their kids to join them in their studies they are welcome. :) 

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